We’re in Peak Flea and Tick Season. Here’s What Can Help
In warmer months, it’s common for flea and tick activity to be at an all-year high. Worst of all, they won’t only be a nuisance to you, but also to pets and the entire household. Wondering what you can do to avoid the problems and diseases they bring? Read more for info on what you can do to effectively manage them.
Fleas vs. Ticks

In truth, fleas and ticks are actually more different than they are alike. While both feed on pets and people, how they look and behave differs substantially. However, the same lawn treatment options can tackle them both.
Fleas 101
Fleas are generally microscopic in size, so you often won’t be able to notice much more than a speck. Two of the most common types are cat fleas and dog fleas, but don’t be fooled by the names: they can show up on other pets and even people. If not dealt with, they’ll spend their entire lives laying eggs on their host and continually feeding on them, thereby creating an itchy sensation.
Ticks 101
Ticks are often much bigger than fleas (especially after they’ve fed). They’re also the ones you need to be most concerned about potentially passing along diseases, like certain tick types and lyme disease. After they feed, ticks will move to a new host and start their feeding process over again.
Flea and Tick Lawn Treatment Options
Rather than killing fleas or ticks already in your lawn, the most effective course of action is always preventive insecticide applications. With April through September being the height of flea and tick season in North Carolina, this is the best time to take action. Of course, there can be other timings of treatments, but they’re generally most essential in this window.
While you can do the needed prep yourself, like ensuring your lawn is in top shape, and tackle the problem with any number of store-bought solutions, your results will vary. Doing this won’t account for the unique factors of your lawn, local rules and regulations regarding insecticide usage, ideal application timings and more. Only a professional insecticide program will provide time-tested and science-backed results that work best for NC lawns, yours specifically. It’ll also offer the ideal amount of protection to everyone in your household, pet and person alike, from things like lyme disease and bacterial infections.
The Barefoot Lawn Care Approach to Fleas and Ticks
At Barefoot Lawn Care, we typically run six outdoors applications through April to September per our custom insecticide program (this equals an application every 21-30 days). This will ensure that your lawn has its defenses up in time and can prevent fleas and ticks from invading in the first place. However, even though we’re past the start of this window, that doesn’t prevent you from getting started with a custom program now (it’s better late than never when dealing with fleas and ticks).
Our approach covers comprehensive treatment of:
- All Turf Areas
- Naturally Growing Areas
- Shrubs
- Flower Beds
- Areas Under Decks
- Fences
- Any additional areas you need/want treated
Enjoy Your Lawn Without Worry With Barefoot Lawn Care

Fleas and ticks won’t go away on their own, but with the right approach, you won’t even have to deal with them firsthand. At Barefoot Lawn Care, we not only help with the best, tailor-made treatment option for your lawn, but we can also ensure your lawn has everything else it needs to be at its best. To get started or learn more about our services, request your free lawn analysis or call us at (919) 934-3554 for Raleigh area services or (910) 888-5296 for Wilmington area services.